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Measuring Competitive Fitness of Leadership & Culture in M&As

Cultural Fitness Measures the Competitive & Strategic

Capacity of Potential Acquisition Targets.

We can measure nearly every aspect of a company's value prior to acquisition.  And for the first time, we can measure the value of the organization's culture; and the leadership that created it.  More than ten years in development, the PeopleProductive™ platform is built upon lessons drawn from neuroscience and advanced psychology, revealing the Productivity Drivers that effect organizational performance, productivity and valuation.  Our approach quickly and efficiently identifies and measures:

Organizational Energy ~ Are associates passionate about their work?  What is the mood of the organization?  Are there variances from business unit to business unit?

Teamwork & Collaboration ~ Does leadership consistently support teamwork and positive relationships?  What is the nature of working relationships throughout the organization?

Individual & Organizational Enablement ~ Do your associates have the time, resources and space to accomplish their tasks?  Is the organization positioned for strategic growth?

These Productivity Drivers have a significant impact on the current valuation of the company. The platform also reveals the company's capacity for strategic growth going forward.  The process identifies your High Potentials and Intrinsic Leaders (the folks people go to for help, often outside of their formal hierarchy).  People you'll want to hang on to after the acquisition.

Our custom assessment delivers a unique lens into the human capital and interpersonal dynamics that drive value creation within the entities you're considering for investment.

To learn how our assessment process can help manage risk and identify human capital arbitrage opportunities, please contact us at or call at (828) 808-2955.

In many industries, Knowledge Workers are the raw material of value creation.  Unfortunately, according to The Gallup® Company's annual worker survey, "In 2023, 50% of employees were not engaged."  Upwards of 40% to 50% of many companies' payroll delivers little to no ROI.


Performance Transformation and

PeopleProductive combine to deliver a quantitative measure of your prospective acquisition's competitive fitness.


Score Heatmap.png

Screenshots from PeopleProductive.

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